解剖研究 conducted at UNE has two primary foci: (1) Characterization of the course and position of nerves for the purpose of identifying potential sites of nerve entrapment and routes for intervention; and (2) characterization of the relationship between myofascial elements of the abdominal and lumbar regions for the purpose of furthering our understanding of low back pain and potential countermeasures.
整骨疗法手法医学研究将整骨疗法的概念和技术应用于解剖学的基础知识及其结构-功能关系,以治疗身体的特定区域. 我们的目标是记录这些特定的治疗方法,以减少疼痛和增加身体特定区域的功能. 衡量这些结果, 客观上和主观上都有, 允许增加的可重复性和改善治疗方案的疼痛和前庭投诉.